Monday, December 7, 2009

Music Monday's : Jermiah trying to top Trey Songs' "I Invented Sex" video?

So the people in Jermiah's camp released screen shots from Jermiah's new video "Raindrops"...


it is being said that Jermiah is trying to do better than Trey Songs' "I Invented Sex" Video.

Sham. Fucking. Wow.

 I know that whole girl on girl scene is a man's fantasy and all, but we all seen this in the strip club a time or two, (or in your own bedroom if you get it poppin).. Survey says, no thanks. These chicks are giving me hood rat fever and the first still makes me feel dirty.. and not in a good way.

Then again these are just stills, maybe the video will be better. Yeah, sure.
For those of you who have not seen the Trey Video, here it is. Please not, we here at are not responsible for any babies created after watching this video.

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